
Yoga In India

Namastey, Yoga has been a part of Indian Culture for more than thousands of years. Our God and Goddess are believed to practice Meditation for peace of mind. Yoga and Meditation has now become need of an individual to normalize all hate we develop for other people and to fill our soul with spiritual goodness. for more details on yoga course. Thankyou.   

Meditation Retreat

Have you ever thought why do so many people believe in meditation? What does meditation actually does to our body? People always talk about problems and not solutions.  Here is the secret what magic meditation does to you. Meditation literally  grows your brai n.  This doesn’t just make you smarter; it increases your memory, attention, self-awareness and self-control alongside a whole list of other desirable qualities. Meditation   increases blood flow to your brain. The more the flow in brain the more is, the better brain fuctions. Meditation triggers the parasympathetic nervous system . Which helps us to reduce stress. Learn right ways to meditate, Join Yoga Teacher Training Course at really affordable prices. Contact us at or Log on to
Yoga Retreat in Rishikesh, India Everyone mops for a relaxing holiday as a break from their hustle life. With family, with friends or sometimes alone; they wish to spend free time free from worries or tension. What about a holiday that is a perfect combination of relaxing time and healthy well-being? Yes! it is possible with a yoga holiday or a yoga retreat. Yoga Retreat is an escape from everyday busy hectic life and allows you to spend some quality time in an open environment. Moreover, a yoga retreat is also a way to keep you healthy and fit while on a holiday. It is indeed an explorative journey of understanding the need nature of our body, mind and soul. World's Capital of Yoga-Rishikesh While there are lots of places all over the world where one learn and enjoy yoga yet most of the people choose Rishikesh as a destination to get the real essence of yoga. For the past few years, it has been a favorite yoga holiday destination among peoples all around the globe. T

Best Yoga School in Rishikesh, India

                                     Abhyantara Yoga Abhyantara Yoga founded by Harindra Chaudhary with the vehement desire to share the knowledge of yoga with others. It offers yoga courses of all level, i.e., 100 Hours Yoga TTC , RYT 200 and 7 days Yoga Retreats accredited by Yoga Alliance. The courses we run are graceful yet challenging that is appropriate for all levels of students, from beginner to lifelong practitioners and moreover, it enhances your life to start a career as a yoga instructor. What does Abhyantara mean? "Bahya" means "External" or "Outer", " Abhyantara " is just opposite to it. Abhyantara is a Sanskrit word that depicts the meaning, "Inner" or "Internal". In the yogic world, the term " Abhyantara " is associated when we are talking about "Pranayama" or "Breathing Exercises". We take a pause after an inhalation during Pranayama, that pause is " Abhyant